Informatie over bezwaar Hotel Amadeus

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  • Hotel Amadeus

Hotel Amadeus: Accommodatie in hotels Salzburg - HotelsHotel Amadeus: Accommodatie in hotels Salzburg - HotelsHotel Amadeus: Accommodatie in hotels Salzburg - HotelsHotel Amadeus: Accommodatie in hotels Salzburg - HotelsHotel Amadeus: Accommodatie in hotels Salzburg - HotelsHotel Amadeus: Accommodatie in hotels Salzburg - HotelsHotel Amadeus: Accommodatie in hotels Salzburg - HotelsHotel Amadeus: Accommodatie in hotels Salzburg - HotelsHotel Amadeus: Accommodatie in hotels Salzburg - HotelsHotel Amadeus: Accommodatie in hotels Salzburg - HotelsHotel Amadeus: Accommodatie in hotels Salzburg - HotelsHotel Amadeus: Accommodatie in hotels Salzburg - HotelsHotel Amadeus: Accommodatie in hotels Salzburg - HotelsHotel Amadeus: Accommodatie in hotels Salzburg - HotelsHotel Amadeus: Accommodatie in hotels Salzburg - HotelsHotel Amadeus: Accommodatie in hotels Salzburg - HotelsHotel Amadeus: Accommodatie in hotels Salzburg - Hotels
Naam:  Hotel Amadeus
Straat:  Linzer Gasse 43-45
Stad:  5020 Salzburg
Wijk:  Salzburg Land
Regio:  Salzburg
Staat:  Oostenrijk
Kaart:  ga naar kaart
De gemiddelde prijs:
77 €

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Kratki opis

Hotel Amadeus nalazi se u srcu povijesne jezgre Salzburga, u mirnoj pješačkoj ulici. Nudi sobe uređene u tradicionalnom salzburškom stilu s vlastitom kupaonicom s tušem ili kadom i TV-om s kabelskim programima. Hotel organizira posebne izlete inspirirane filmom The Sound of Music. U kutku s aparatom za pripremu kave marke Nespresso gosti tijekom cijelog dana mogu uživati u besplatnoj kavi, espressu i čaju. Nakon dana provedenog u razgledavanju, gosti se mogu opustiti u udobnosti svoje prostrane sobe ili mogu popiti piće u baru. U jutarnjim satima gosti mogu uživati u doručku u restoranu ili u sobi. Gosti mogu koristiti računalu u predvorju ili mogu čitati novine na terasi hotela. Ljubazno osoblje gostima će rado dati informacije o obilascima i događanjima. Gosti mogu iznajmiti automobil ili bicikl te istražiti Salzburg i okolicu. Gosti mogu koristiti parkiralište u javnoj garaži, udaljenoj 150 metara od objekta.

Važne informacije

Goste se moli da nazovu hotel na dan dolaska ako dolaze nakon 18:00 sati.

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